Occupational Health & Safety
Sanwell Pty Ltd is committed to compliance with relevant legislation, regulations, and industry
codes of practice and project requirements specified by clients or regulators. Furthermore, this
provides the framework to establish report and review our OHS objectives, key performance
indicators and targets with a view to delivering continuous business improvement.
Safety culture is generally described as the attitudes, values, norms and beliefs which a particular group of people share with respect to risk and safety. Our attitude, behaviour and style have a powerful effect on workplace safety, and help to separate average from exceptional organisational Occupational Health and Safety performance.
We are committed to working with clients to deliver high quality services, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner and endeavour to be recognised as leaders in the delivery of OHS engagement in the civil and plumbing industry.
To support our commitment to OH&S, Sanwell Pty Ltd:
Actively promote participation in a Zero Harm philosophy with its management, employees, client and sub-contractors.
Implement robust risk management to identify, control and mitigate all significant risks, as far as is reasonably practicable.
Ensure all incidents and near misses are reported, fully investigated and action is taken to prevent recurrence.
Empower all our employees, subcontractors to participate in the identification, control and elimination of risk and hazards through regular consultation and targeted communication meetings.
Provide adequate information, instruction, supervision and training as is necessary to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all personnel involved in the delivery of our services.
Review this policy statement periodically and make it available to the public, clients, regulators and other interested parties upon request.

Sanwell Pty Ltd is committed to delivering profitable projects and services in a safe and
environmentally responsible manner.
To support this commitment, Sanwell Pty Ltd:
Comply with relevant environmental laws, regulations, industry codes of practice, and project
requirements specified by clients or regulators.
Establish, measure, report and review environmental objectives, key performance indicators and targets.
Maintain an environmental management system that conforms to recognised standards integrated within the Sanwell Pty Ltd Operations System.
Control the impact of our operations on the environment and community through effective planning and risk management methodologies.
Communicate pertinent environmental responsibilities and obligations to employees, consultants and subcontractors and provide appropriate education.
Establish and maintain a program for the continual improvement of the environmental management system and environmental performance.
Seek to minimise pollution and use of natural resources by encouraging and practising economically viable waste reduction, emission control, energy conservation and recycling programs.
Review this policy statement periodically and make it available to the public, clients, regulators and other interested parties upon request.

Sanwell Pty Ltd specialises in commercial plumbing and civil infrastructure services relating to
the commercial building and construction industry whilst maintaining the highest ethical, safety,
environmental and professional standards.
The objectives of the company are to:
provide exceptional service and reliability
provide quality workmanship by committed and trained personnel
provide value for money using only suitable quality materials and cost-effective
designs -
satisfy our clients’ requirements, industry regulators and staff, and
provide these services in a professional and ethically responsible manner
To achieve these objectives and satisfy the expectations of our clients, the company is totally committed to implementing, maintaining and further developing the internal Quality Management System.
Matters for improvement in any area are identified and acted on with professional efficiency. Resources, both technical and human, will be focused towards the prevention of quality deficiencies in order to satisfy the organisational goal of “right first time … every time”. These ideals will be met by continual improvement involving ongoing monitoring, review and training. Formal and measurable quality objectives have been set by management and are regularly reviewed.
The successful operation of the system relies upon the co-operation and involvement of personnel at all levels. Our commitment to quality will ensure the continued success of the Company and the satisfaction of our clients, regulators and staff.